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Livingston  [[Montana]]

Populus angustifolia   abu
Salix   narrow leaf  abu
Salix vestita   abu
Bitula occidentalis   com
Alnus   com
Lepargyrea argentea  com
Prunus demissa  com
Ribes irriguum  com
Rosa       biq  com
Symphoricarpos  com
Clematis   com 
Stachys   com 
Glycyrrhiza lepidota   com 
Artemesia frigida   com 
Artemesia l.   white leaf   com 
Helianthus annuus  com 
Helianthus "trifoliata"  com
Helianthus         tall  com
Solidago           big   com
Grindelia     com
Ambrosia triloba  com
Cleome integrifoli  com
Psoralea glandulosa com on dry slopes 
Liatris   com
Gaura  com
Malvastrum coccineum  com
Lupinus    big blue

Gardiner [[Montana]]  Aug. 16
Pinus flexilis  a few
Pseudotsuga a few
Juniperus irquinanes[[?]]   a few
Juniperus                   a few
Populus monilifera,  a little dry R.
Populus tremuloides, around edge of valley, narrow leaf, along R.
Ribes cereum  com
Artemesia tridentata  abu
Artemisia arbuscula  abu
Artemesia frigida  abu
Chrysothamnus cansecens  abu
Sarcobatus  a little
Gutierrezia  a little
Clematis  along R
Helianthus annuus  a little
Helianthus petiolaris  a little
Opuntia missouriensis, com on hot dry slopes
Grayia   a little on hot dry
Eurotia   a little on hot dry
Oryzopsis  a little on hot dry
Rhus trilobata  a little on hot slope

[[crossed out]]
Plantago patagonica on hot slopes
Lepargyrea argentea NE slopes
Populus tremuloides NE slopes
Philadelphus baresi in gulches
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