Viewing page 38 of 44

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Helena  [[Montana]]
                  SW: 5000-6000
•Pinus ponderosa  NE: 4000-5000
•Pseudotsuga          abu
•Arctostaphylos uva-ursi  abu
•Balsamorhiza sagittata   abu
•Kengia tridentata        abu
•Juniperus virginiana     com
•Juniperus communis       com
•Amelanchier alnifolia    abu
•Ribes cereum             abu
•Ribes aureum   yellow    few
•Ribes d. irriguum[[?]] com in gulch
•Ribes sanguineum       com in gulch
Rubus strigosus         in gulch   
•Ceanothus velutinus, a little
•Berberis repens      a little
•Stachys                com
•Anemone patens?        com
•Anemone white, tall, woody  com
•Glycyrrhiza lepidota   com
•Clematis               com
•Alnus               along crater[[?]]
•Salix    narrow leaf   com
•Populus balsamifera    com

Helena [[Montana]]
Chordeiles       2 Aug. 17
Zenaidura                1
Poocastes[[??]]        com
Spizella arizonae 
[[?flower in the way]]   4
Parus gambeli
Junco        old & yg. com
Contopus borealis
Tyrannus tyrannus
Passer domesticus 

Transcription Notes:
The right page is partially covered by the pressed foliage. Some words cannot be read -- I filled most of it in based on genus species he named on prior project pages. Also, these pages are on Project page 39 without the flower there.