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"B" Continued

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Name| Initials| 
| --- | --- | 

| Beutzoui Jks. Bvt L. Joe Con,, Prof P. Army K,,Let,, | M12.J. | 
| Bidding James | .B12. | 
| Bell L.M. | ~1868~ [[strikethrough]] .3. [[/strikethrough]] | 
| Bill Fitty | ~1868~ [[strikethrough]] .b13. [[/strikethrough]] |  
| Billussey Joseph | .R1. |
| Blunt Wm | .B12. |
| Blackwell EdwS |  [[strikethrough]] .13. [[/strikethrough]] |
| Blackwater EdwS |  ~1868~[[strikethrough]] .K1. [[/strikethrough]] |
| Boo Wm |  ~1868~ [[strikethrough]] .S4. [[/strikethrough]] |
| Boo Eljah | .b14. |
| Brooks _ Mr_ | .D.2. |
| Brown Albert |  ~1868~ [[strikethrough]] .b6.b6. [[/strikethrough]] |
| Brown Gary |  ~1868~ [[strikethrough]] .b6. [[/strikethrough]] |
| Brown G.J.|  ~1868~ [[strikethrough]] .P5.5. [[/strikethrough]] |
| Burns Thoz. Co B21st | .S6. |

[[right margin]] CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [[/right margin]]

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Name| Initials| 
| --- | --- | 

| Clanir Division | Fowler-Hoops Forster .26.24- | 
| Clagst Thos. pvt. | .A.5. | 
| Carter Wm | .B7.B4. |
| Cartwright Benjamin| .B5. |
| Cartwright Mark | .B5. |
| Carpenter E. W. Atty. | .W3. |
| Campbell Mathew |  |
| Campbell Nathan | .I3.I6. |
| Camp Henry Major | .W5.E9.14.12.I9. |
| Cessum Williard | .B8. |
| Chipman Kosner + Co. | .B5. |
| Charles Frank | .B12. |
| Chaddie WD | .K3.I14.19.I.15. |

| Cox A S+Co.| 25. |
| Columbus Christopher | I.25. |
| Commissioner Bur. &c | 8.7. |
| Capps Matthias | I.26. |