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"D" 1867

Duritz Stephen             E10.AH.A1.
Dealer Henry                S1.
Deury J.Y. May Wash USA
Diron [[?]]                S2.  
Diureh E.                   5
Dozier [[?]]               S2.S1B12B6B3
Dodge [[?]]                E2H1
Dougherty D.P              3
Doherty WH [[?]]           522E1
Doherty Robt. R Burte  F.7.

"G" 1867         
Giddy James                S17S9
Ethridge JR                4
Ethridge Adeu D           01
Ethridge J                 01
Ellsworth H.H.             E6
Evans Bryant               S24
Ehringhaus Daniel          B6.B3.
Ehrinhhaus John            B.12.

Ferebee James              L1
Ferebee Rev. [[?]]         Q1
Fernando Miss S.S          F1
Flemmin JR. Surgeon        F18
Fletcher Edwin             S17
Fisk F.R Supt Ed.          1
Fowler W                   A15 A14
Foot Ins M SH             . 
French E B Auditor        5.7
Freedman Toney.           ~1868~
Forby Peter               ~1868~