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The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences

Founded 1824.  Re-incorporated 1890.

Officers of the Board of Trustees.
A. Augustus Healy, President.
Hon. Charles A Schieren, First Vice-President.
Carll H. DeSilver, Second Vice-President.
Hon. Eugene G. Blackford, Third Vice-President.
Hon. William B Davenport, M. A., Treasurer.
George C. Brackett, Secretary.

Prof. Franklin W. Hooper, M. A.

Officers of the Council. 
Rev. Albert J. Lyman, D. D., President
James Cruikshank, LL.D., Secretary
Hon. John A. Taylor, Treasurer

Office: 502 Fulton Street.


Brooklyn, April 15th, 1903.

Mr. Raymond Harrington, 
C/o American Museum of Natural History, 
New York City

My dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your letter without date, with regard to a conversation between yourself and Mr. Culin. 

Mr. Culin turned over your letter to me before he left for the Southwest. I stated to him at the time that it would not be practicable for us to undertake to do any work on Long Island during his absence. He is expecting to return some time in the autumn. 

Very respectfully yours, 
Franklin W. Hooper, 
