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Peekskill, N.Y., March 6, 1927

Mr. M.R. Harrington
Museum of the American Indian
Bruhe Ave., Pelham, N.Y.

Dear old Pal:

My sister, Edna, is planning to go to Nevada for a while in order to recuperate, and I have advised her to see you with reference to a convenient spot in which to reside, and one from which she can get from time to time from the state into California. You may perhaps know of a family, a boarding place and a pleasant town in which to live. Please advise [[write use?]] her and greatly oblige,

Your old time friend,

Naika ahti eskum telate kultus man, halo potlatch chickamin, halo potlatch muckamuk. Kwanasim wawa kopa Sigahli Tyee pe eNanito Segahli Tyee tzum papeh. Kwanasim tum tum konawe tillikuns mesatci pe konawe tillikums klatawa kopa diablo. Yaka man tum tum cowi kultus, pe konawe tillikums potlatch konawe kopa Segahli. Pelton man. Naika ahti telait til, pe etsitsa. Tiki klatawa pe mamook cowee mash. Halo hooloimi hooyut.