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on a rock on an island in the Rio Negro - one thousand miles from the mouth of the Amazon is carved a ship such as used by the Phonecians- Equador has never been fully explored because of the head hunters-not far to Yucatan. where the Toltecs supplanted the Mayas. there a pit 80 feet deep- and altar beside it- pictures of priests cutting off head and cutting out hearts. Human sacrifice. especially of children & [[??sh??]] over Central America & Mexico - Carrib - means cannibal. see recent sunday magazine - New York american where skeletons found then on an old deserted island with flint arrow heads. Not far to Florida, then Delaware- The [[crossed out]]lime rock[[/crossed out]] salt accumulated on the north side of a coral reef. Coral [[crossed out]]Reef[[/crossed out]] reef. [[crossed out]]Then on the south side the[[/crossed out]] Salt at Syracuse. Lime- water like shells