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                   April 12, 1920

Dr. W.C. Barnard,

Dear Dr, Barnard:-

       Your letter of April 9th is just at hand, and I have taken the matter with with Mr. Heye, who instructs me to ask you for a list of the material you have for sale, with your bottom prices for same. Do you wish to sell the ethnological collection as a whole, or would you let us select certain objects?  Is your archaeological collection, or any part of it, for sale? If your answer shows us that it will be worth our while, either I will come myself to look the material over, or some other number of the staff will be sent.
    Your forgot to let me know about Bill Skye; please remember in your answer to tell me about him.
    Thanking you for your many kindnesses to me in the old days, and with best regards to yourself and family, I remain

                 Yours sincerely,