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to the Gulf of Mexico, and the depths explored range from shallow water to 2731 fathoms. An account of the collections and of the work done upon them is given elsewhere.

The marine station of the Fish Commission at Wood's Holl, Mass., was occupied as the headquarters for explorations from about June 18 until about October 10, 1885. Professor Baird, the Commissioner of Fisheries, was present during the entire season and retained general supervision of the work. Prof. A. E. Verrill was in charge of the laboratory during the time he was able to be in Wood's Holl, this duty devolving upon the curator during his absence. Many members of the permanent staff of the Commission and National Museum were in attendance. Mr. G. Brown Goode and Dr. T. H. Bean spent several weeks investigating the fishes brought in by the Albatross, and were assisted