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[[4 columned table]]
|Sept.|13|Mr. T.B Thompson, Millerstown, Perry Co. Pa. desires to obtain a small yellow girl 9 or 10 years of age Millerstown is situated 30 miles West of Harrisberg on Pa. Central, R.R.||

|Sept|13|Mr. L. Wilmer (Rev.) Beautown Charles Co.Pa. desires to obtain a colored Boy about 14 or 15 years of age, one accustomed to horses.||

|Sept|16|Mr. J.L. Carberry, residing two miles from Georgetown D.C. Desires to obtain a woman for Genl. Housework & to milk a cow. (P.O. Address, Georgetown D.C.) Can send the woman to Dr. Richards Cor High & 3d Sts. Geo'tn|

|"|18|Mr. David A. Burr, Cor. 7th & F. Sts. Desires to obtain a Woman for Genl Housework to go to Laurel, Md.||

|"|19|Lieut. Sluden Cor 19th & J Sts. (Bureau R.F.A.L.) Desires to obtain a young Cold woman to go to Mrs. Sladen at Lowell, Mass., And to return to Washington, D.C. in the winter. wage $8 per month.|Sept Sent Lizzie Churag 18|

[[4 columned table]]
|Sept|24|Mr. P.Y. Clark, South Vineland, N.J., wants two cold men to work on farm, desires to know the terms.||

|"|24|Mrs. Meline, 436, N, St. 2d door from 13th St. wants a woman for Genl. Housework wages $6 per month|Sept 24 Sent Hannah Fields|

|"|26|Dr Howard, 368, 9th St. Bet. J & K. Streets., wants a woman for Genl. Housework|Sept. 28. Sent Gina Wood.|

|"|26|Mr. Pettes 7th St. Bet. M & N. Sts. wants boy 14 yrs. of age|Sept 26 sent Robt. Blackburn agd 14 yrs|

|Oct|2d|M.J. Paul Diver, Tioga, on Germantown & N.R.R. 10 [[strikethrough]]five[[strikethrough]] minutes ride from Phila Wants a boy about 14 to 16 years of age (on farm) also a Woman (middle aged) for Housework, Those accustomed to country life preferred. J Paul Diver's residence, 19th below Tioga St. Application through Mr. Gev. D. Patten, Jay Cooke & Co., Washn D.C.|