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[[3 columns]]

Oct. | 3 | Mr. J. F. Birch, Cor. Bridge & Jefferson Sts. Georgetown D.C., Wants a girl 12 to 14 years of age as nurse &c

Oct | 3 | Mr. D. Sinsabaugh (Pention Office) desires to obtain two young women from 18 to 25 years of age, (for Genl. house work) to go to Rev. H. Sinsabaugh and Mr. John Tonner, (Sec. Buck-eye Reaper & Mower Mf'g Co) Canton, Ohio. Wages each from $1 50 to 2 00 per week.

   | 3 | Mr. Jno. F. Clark, Res. four miles out of town, on Bladensburg road, Wants Man, wife & child, the woman for Cooking & genl house-work, and the man for farm work Wages for woman $7 to $8. per month. Man's wages $10 to $12 per month

   | 5 | Mr. J. B. Whitberger, Res. Fort Sutton, Montgomery Co. Md. wants Man  & Wife. (Farmer & House Sv't) Mans wages $ & woman $6 per Mo



Oct | 5 | Mr. Geo. A. Cobban, of Marion Iowa. Desires to obtain six or eight women, for Genl. House work for neighbors.

Oct | 5 | Mr. J. S. Tomlinson, P.M. at Bristols, Buck Co. Pa Wants to obtain a colored girl to do Genl house work in a family of four persons.

Oct | 5 | Mrs. Fannie Hicks of Granville, Licking Co. O. Disires to obtain a Colored Man or Woman (women preferred wants one who can do all kinds of House work, principally Cooking.
Will pay from $1 50 to $2 00 per week.

Oct | 5 | Mr. George Bell, √ Amsterdam Montgomery Co New York, States that there are parties in his neighborhood desiring Servants.

Oct |   | Mrs. Molly Thomas G. St. Bet. 6th & 7th Strs Wants woman for House work - Wages $5.

Transcription Notes:
mis-spellings left as written changed "Jon" to "Jno" (abbreviation for John)