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Oct. | 7 | Mrs Thomas Blagden 8th St. Wants to employ a cook, laundress, coachman & boy.

Oct. | 7 | Mr. F M. McDonough of Alexandria Va., desires to obtain a number of men to cut wood at Potomac Creek. Will pay 75¢ per cord. | 

Oct. 29th 1867, Sent
Brown Freeman    Chas. Steward
Andrew Smith     Geo. Williams
Demsey Perkins   Frank Collins
John Reed        Henry Buckner
Thomas Robinson
John Williams
Robert Sprague

Oct | 11 | Mr. Earle, Worcester, Mass. desires to employ a young girl as nurse &c.

  | 12 | Mr. J. P. Williston, Agt. of Greenville M'f'g Co. (Cotton Factory) desires to employ one or two industrious (white) families. Factory situated at Northampton


Oct. | 21 | Mrs. Hall, 418, 8th St. Bet. G & H. Streets; Wants a colored boy about 16 or 17 years of age, to wait in the house, will pay good wages.

Oct. | 22 | Mr. E.P. Gleason 402, K. St. bet. 10th and 11th Sts. Wants a girl 12 to 14 years of age.

Oct. | 23 | Dr. M. Bowman, Stanford, Dutchess Co. N.Y., Desires to employ a female servant, one not less than 20 nor over 35 years of age, Can be sent to Poughkeepsie, N.Y., by Rail thence by stage to within two miles of Stanford.

Oct. | 26  | Hon Hannibal Hamlin, (late vice prest. U.S.) Wishes to obtain two good colored women, to go to Bangor Me., as house servants, Wages $8 per month.

Oct. | 27 | Mrs. Ds. Brown, No 407, 6th St. Bet. G & H. Sts. wants a nice tidy col-d girl bet 15 & 18 years of age, one honest & trustworthy, who can take care of her house from 9 to 4 daily, during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

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Transcription Notes:
per instructions...dittos are to be typed out