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Oct. | 26 | Mrs. Ellen Carren G. St, bet. 11th 12th Sts, Wants a girl about 12 years of age, Wages $3 per mo. | Oct. 26". Sen Ellen Lawson agd. 12 yrs. 

Oct. | 29 | Mr. L. S. Pascault, Ridge. P.O St Mary's Co. Md., Wants Six men to prepare timber for, Saw-Mill, the men to go to Point Lookout, Md. Wages from $8 to $10 per month with board & quarters |

Oct. | 30 | Ms. N. A. Duncan, 439, 12th St. Cor. H. St., Wants a woman for Genl Housework. |

Oct. | 31 | Maj S. N. Clark, Bureau, R. F. A.L., desires that a Cold girl 11 to 13 years of age be obtained, whose parents will secure her services by indentures, for a term of years to a a lady living in Georgetown, D. C. |                   

Oct. | 30 | Mr E. M. Brown New York City wants young woman for Housework | Nov. 4th Sent Jane Williams agd - 20 yrs. 



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Oct. | 31 | Mr. Robt. H. Edwards, No. 360, K, St, Bet, 11th & 12th Streets Wants a young women to take care of child, Wash &c. | 1867. Oct. 31st Sent Mina Ross, agd. 20 yrs. Went on trial 1 week @ $6. per Mo. 

Nov. | 4 | Mrs. O'Birne, 4th St, bet. N & O, Streets Wants a 
Middle aged woman for Genl. Housework, in family of four persons, wages $6 per month. | Nov. 5th. Sent, Amelia Thomas agd 35 yrs. 

Nov | 4 | Mr. Wm. H. H. Martin, 127, 8th St. near J. St. wants a girl 13 to 14 years of age |

Nov. | 1 | Mr. Dorsey, Annapolis Junction, Md. Wants a Woman for Genl. Housework | Nov. 1st. Sent Betty Tilton agd 25 yrs. 

Nov. | 1 | Mr. S. G. Fessenden, No. 400, Fourth St, desires to obtain a colored Man & Wife (one child no objection) to go to Stanford, Conn. The Man to take care of Horses and the woman to work in the house. |

Nov. | 4 | Mrs. Barrett, Congress, near Bridge St. Georgetown wants a woman for Housework, wages $5. | Nov. 4th Sent Margt Page agd 19 yrs. 

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