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[[3 column table]]

June | 25 | J. E. Michener O St Bet 8 & 9" Sts wish a girl from 12 to 15 years as Nurse Jane Triplett 14 yrs June 27". 

June | 26 | Patrick Donahue 4 & 5 N & M wishes a boy from 9 to 12 years to take care of cows. 

June | 27 | Mr Jno. H. Conklin, North Lansing, Tompkins Co. N.Y. wants 5 women for Genl. Housework Also 4 farmhands, wages to men about $12 per Mo. Women $1.50 to $2 per week. J. W. Herbert age 18 July 9th Wm H Jones 

   |   | Rev. B. P. Brown, 276, G. next to Foundry Church. wants two or three farmhands to go to Mr. Dorsey Annapolis Juncn. Md. wages $14 for two months then $12 & $10. 

June | 29. | Mr Rowe, Sligo, Montgomery Co, Md wants a boy about 12 to 14 yrs of age to take charge of cows &c. Wages $5 to $6. 

   |   | Mr. H. S. Vanderbilt, Portsmouth N.H., wants two women for Genl housework Union Congressional Comm. Capitol July 2d sent Martha Randolph.


[[3 column table]] 

July | 1 | Mrs. Hunter, Harrisons Hotel, Laurel Md. wants a good cook (male or female) 

July | 1 | Mr. L. F. Whitney, Howard Co. (about 7 miles from Laurel Md.) wants man woman & boy on farm 

   | 1 | Mrs. E. S. Lockwood, Mount Kisko N.Y. wishes a woman for house servant (37 miles from New York, on N.Y. & Harlem R.R.) Mary Gibbs 21 

July | 6 | Mr. McGruder, near Glenwood Country wants a boy 13 to 14 yrs of age, to attend to cows &c. will pay $4 to $5. per. mo. July 9 sent Wm Beckley 15 yrs

July | 6 |Mrs. McKee Cor. 20th & G Sts wants woman for nurse. Wages $6. per mo. July 6 sent Annie Eaton 17 yrs. 
   |   | Mr. McCafferty 21st St. bet L & M. Sts. wants woman as nurse &c. Wages $5 per. mo. July 6th Frances Boswell 20 yrs 

   |    | Mr A. C. Mallory, Benton Contse P.O. Yates Co. N.Y. wants two men & one woman on farm. Will call on Thursday 9th bet 10 & 11 AM. July 9th sent Wm Warfare aged 18.