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Aug 1868 |Mrs. Thos Y. Conley  Address Beltsville " P.O. Md.  Wants a Woman for Gen H. Work  Wages from $1. to $7. Per month  Sep 2" Sent Mrs. Sarah. Johnson age 24 Mary Black aged 22 sent Sep 26 wages [[$2?]] per month
Mr. A. Parkinson 309 D. St first door west of 12th St. wants a good woman for Genl. Housework (Central Boarding House) 
Laura Plumer sent Aug 27 aged [[18?]] [[?]]
Aug 22 Mrs. [[Clenderin?]], at farm adjoining Glenwood Cemetery wants a young girl as [[Nurse?]]
Aug. 22 Sent Cornelia Potter

[[?]] J. H. Stevens 9th bet O & P. Streets wants woman for House work -- Augt 23d Sent Margt Green

Augt [[24?]] Mr Chesney 435 North D. St Bet 3d & 4th Streets.  Wants a girl 16 to 18 years og age to nurse a child aged 6 mos. --Wages $5 to [[?]] per month

Aug 27 Mrs. Cauldwell residence 326 - 6 St bet Mass Av and K St wants a small girl to take charge of a child for which she will $2 per month 
Mary E Williams aged [[?]] sent Sep 28

27 Mr. H. Bachelor residence Sligo Montgomery Co. Md [[?]] out on the 7th st road a first class cook and nurse for the cook he will pay $10 and for the nurse he will pay $8
Margret Jones sent as nurse Aug 28
Frances Mathews "  " cook Sept 1st
27 Mr Holmes 232 7th St bet M and N wants a woman for General house work for which he will pay $7 to $8 per month

27 Mr. R. A. Fish resident Cor of 12th St and Md av [[Island?]] wants to procure a good servant
one sent Aug 28th

27 Mr. J. H. Pratt resident Mount Clair N J wants to procure a good cook and laundress strong and smart for which he will pay 9 or 10 dollars per month

31 Rathbone residence Tenley Town D C wants a woman as Cook wages