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[[3 Column]]

Sep | 12 | Mr Murry Bangor Mane wants two wome to work in a Restaurant one to cook and take charge of Restaurant and the other for an assistant wages $15 & $10 per Month

Sep | 12 | 15 Young women wanted for Cabridgefort Mass

Sep | 12 | Julius, H, Pratt 86 Chambers St N Y City wants a good active woman to Cook and do Gen H Work wages not so much an object, a good woman is what is wanted 
Mary Johnson sent Sep the 25 
aged 20, sent on transportation

Sep | 14 | A Johnsten, House 474 P St wants an ugly girl of african decent who can wash [[strikethrough]] cook [[/strikethrough]] and iron and do plain Cooking and who is willing to do so one that wont steal perfect
Sent Grace Steri[[?]] 24 Sep 16th


[[3 columns]]

Sep | 14 | Mr B. P. Snyder Secretary of the National Safe Deposit Company of Washington DC wants a thoroughly competant woman one that can get up a meal without it being absolutely necessary to direct in every particular. He is willing to pay $10 per month. 
Susan Williams sent Sep 16 aged 25

Sep | 14 | Mrs Heaton of Kendal Green Mansion wants a good woman to do Gen House Work wage $8 per month 
Mari Paine Sent - Sent 
Sep 16 age 24

Sep | 14 | Mr. Angelo Ghiselli No 508 Pa Av wants a girl from 12 to 14 years old to take charge of a child 
Sent Mary J Johnson aged 16 - Sep 15"

Sep | 15 | N J Skinner Leesburgh VA wants a woman for Gen H Work wage $8 per month. No objection to a woman with a girl from 12 and upwards. address Thos C Jacobs G St so bet 4 & 5

Sep | 15 | Mr Francis Dickens wants three wood chopers wage 75 cts per cord 
Sent Sep | 28 | Beal Ruffin, 45, John Paron 25, John Jones 44, Joe Harvey 24

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of page 48, all edited the same