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William Hodges    Will Jerry
William Harrison  Churchurll Cerose

[[center list]]
Grp' Sheppard
John Johnson
Saul Johnson
Joseph Cohittd

[[right margin list]]
[[?]] H. Jones
Robert Ganutt
W. Jarves

freed laborers, agree to enter the service of the said G W Gifford as farmer, and, also, that they will faithfully and diligently apply themselves and perform   the duties of farmers, on the premises of said G. W. Gifford, and answer all the reasonable requirements of the said G. W. Gifford, for, and during the space of one year, from the   day of March, 1866; and they further agree that their employer shall retain one fourth their monthly wages until the expiration of their term of service.

And the said G. W. Gifford, hereby agrees to employ them (the said freed laborers) for the term of one year, as aforesaid, and to pay for their services the sum set opposite their respective names, per month-(one fourth of which shall be retained each month,) and all stoppages and arrearages promptly paid at the expiration of their respective terms of service, to wit:

Joseph Whittel 12$|W. H. Jones 12$.

Auetren Jackson 12$|John Johnson 12$|Aaron Rodgers 12$|Robert Garnett 12$
Geo' Sheppard 12$|Samuel Johnson 12$|John Robertson 12$|W. James 12$

Stephen William 12$  Geo' Martin 12$ Pann Wilson 12$
Bueker Richmond 12$  Br'y Franklin 12$ William Terry 15$
Robert Penkin 12$  Andrew Jackson 12$ Churchill Cruz 12$
Thomas Brown 12$  Herbert Jackson 12$ Thomas Quill[[?]] 12$
William H. Davis 12$  John W. Williams 12$ Mercium[[?]] Y Brooks 12$
John Kimball 12$  Robert Franklin 12$  Robert Japkins 12$
Jacob Scott 12$  Kinsey Shelton 12$  Phillip Henry 12$
Alexander Smith 12  Elick Cawkins 5$ Cliavles Collin 12$
Robert Rollins 12  Page Wrighs 12$  Mertia Haley 12$
John Rollins 12$  Jarus Shorter 12$  Henry Warren 12$
William Hodges 12$  John Chapman 12$ Minor Robertson 12$
William Harrison 12$  Benj Jackson 12$ Geo' Bowling 12$
Henry Jo Johnson 12$  Reubin Wilson 12$
Prevson[[?]] Sauderson 12$  John Thurlkin 10$

in equal monthly payments; and the said G. W. Gifford,  further agrees to furnish said freed laborers above named, quarters, fuel, full substantial and healthy rations, and all necessary medical attendance and supplies in case of sickness, in addition to the compensation above named, and that he will assist and encourage efforts for the education of the children of his employees. And it is further agreed by said G. W. Gifford that in case he at any time fails to perform his part of this agreement, he will pay to each the said laborers the full sum of one hundred dollars, as fixed, agreed and liquidated damages.

If it shall be mutually desirable to annul this contract before the expiration of the term agreed upon, it shall be done only in the presence and with the concurrence of such officer of the Freedman's Bureau, (or other authority) as may have immediate jurisdiction in this matter in the district wherein such parties reside.

In testimony whereof, they have herewith set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written.

Martin his X mark Henry (L.S.) Henry his X mark Warren (L.S.) Minor his X mark Robertson (L.S.)

Stephen his X mark Williams (L.S.) Henry Jo Jackson (L.S.) John his X mark Thurlkin (L.S.)

Bueker his X mark Richmond (L.S.) John W. his mark Williams (L.S.) Geo his X mark Martin (L.S.)

Thomas his X mark Brown (L.S.)  Prevson his X mark Sanderson (L.S.) Parker his X mark Wilson (L.S.)

William his X mark Davis (L.S.) Herbert his X mark Jackson (L.S.) Andrew his X mark Jackson (L.S.)

Transcription Notes:
names need doing