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Wm H Pines
Johan Collin

in equal monthly payments; and the said Geo (George?) Stevens, Wm (William?) H Jones, John Collier,  Chas (Charles?) L Hour, further agrees to furnish said freed laborer above named, quarters, fuel, full substantial and healthy rations, and all necessary medical attendance and supplies in case of sickness, in addition to the compensation above named. and that he will assist and encourage efforts for the education of the children of his employees; and, also, that he will make no charge for liquor furnished his employees. And it is further agreed by the said Chas (Charles?) L Hour that in case he at any time fails to perform his part of this agreement, he will pay to each of the said laborer the full sum of One Hundred dollars, as fixed, agreed and liquidated damages.

If it shall be mutually desirable to annul this contract before the expiration of the term agreed upon, it shall be done only in the presence and with the concurrence of such officer of the Freedman's Bureau, (or other authority) as may have immediate jurisdiction in this matter in the district wherein such parties reside.

In Testimony Whereof, they have herewith set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. 
[First Column]
|: Cro his x mark Dixon|
|: Phillip his x mark Shorrs|
|: Isial[[?]] his x mark Wright|
|: James his x mark Hancock|
|: Opra his x mark Ridout
|: Chas his x mark Reed|
|: Martin his x mark H[[?]]|
|: Chas his x mark Anderson
|: Frank his x mark Ihorter|
|: Chas his x mark Looks|
|: Johnson his x mark Prosher|
|: John his x mark Watkins|
|: William his x mark Thomas|
|: William his x mark Brish|
|: Martin his x mark Auldin|
|: Arn his x mark Cowen|
|: Panus his x mark Hanson|
|: Harry his x mark Brahr|
|: James his x mark Griffin|
|: Humpley his x mark Arway|
|: Samuel his x mark R. Jackson|
|: Alford his x mark Jackson|
|: Alford his x mark Bruy|
|: John his x mark King|
|: Dennis his x mark Fromer|
|: Edward his x mark Carroll|
[Name cut off at bottom of column]
[Second column]
|: Edward his x mark Fleet|
|: Sarah J. his x mark Morris|
|: Arsly(?) his x mark Morris|
|: Arthur his x mark Smallwood|
|: Austin his x mark Barnes|
|: Brrj? his x mark Racks|
|: Mary his x mark Barnes|
|: Robert his x mark Watson|
|: Harry his x mark Goodin|
|: Thomas his x mark Johnson|
|: John his x mark Johnson|
|: Lewis his x mark Jackson|
|: Burj his x mark Marshill|
|: Samuel his x mark Grun|
|: Tobias his x mark Hanley|
|: Samuel his x mark Huey|
|: Robert his x mark Palmer|
|: Huey his x mark Cramer|
|: Alex his x mark Vaughn|
|: William his x mark Auldin|
|: John his x mark Robinson|
|: Marcellis his x mark Grame|
|: Charles his x mark Williams|
|: James his x mark Gray|
|: John his x mark Williams|
|: Harry his x mark Robinson|
|: Harry his x mark Watson|
|: William his x mark Neoton?|
[Name cut off at bottom]

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of some names/spelling