Viewing page 170 of 248

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Robt H. Wilson 19          James Thomas 21
Lewis Ransom 20            Frank Taylor 20
Charles Williamson 20      John Williams 18
Benj Walker 22             Austin Travis 20
Henry Williams 28          William Young 18
John Thomas 28             William Thomas 24
Saml Jackson 19            Benj Thomas 20
Henry Brown 29             Edward Thomas 26
Henry Sparks 30
John Saunders 32

in equal monthly payments; and the said Baily Miller & Co -, further agrees to furnish said freed laborers above named, quarters, fuel, full substantial and healthy rations, and all necessary medical attendance and supplies in case of sickness, in addition to the compensation above named, and that he will assist and encourage efforts for the education of the children of his employees.  And it is further agreed by the said Baily Miller & Co - that in case he at any time fails to perform his part of this agreement, he will pay to each the said laborers the full sum of
One Hundred - dollars, as fixed, agreed and liquidated damages.
If it shall be mutually desirable to annul this contract before the expiration of the term agreed upon, it shall be done only in the presence and with the concurrence of such officer of the Freedman's Bureau, (or other authority) as may have immediate jurisdiction in this matter in the district wherein such parties reside.
In testimony whereof, they have herewith set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written.

x Peter his x mark [[Jerden?]] (L.S.)
x Chas his x mark Carroll (L.S.) 
Robt his x mark Miner (L.S.)
Frank his x mark Holleyday (L.S.)
Wade his x mark Hampton (L.S.)
Wm. H his x mark Taylor (L.S.)
Robt his x mark [[illegible]] (L.S.)
Lewis his x mark Ransom (L.S.)
John his x mark Williams (S.S.)
Wm his x mark Thomas (L.S.)
Alford his x mark White (L.S.)

Chas his x mark Williams  
Benj his x mark Walker  
Henry his x mark Williams  
Jos. his x mark Thomas  
Saml his x mark Jackson  
Henry his x mark Brown  
[[page creased, illegible]]
John his x mark Sanders  
Austin his x mark Travis  
Benj his x mark Thomas  
Henry his x mark Smith (L.S.)

Dennis his x mark Williams
Benj. his x mark Butler
Robt his x mark Franklin
Jerrod his x mark Gatewood
John his x mark Johnson
Joseph his x mark Harris
James his x mark Thomas
Frank his x mark Taylor
Edward his x mark Johnson
Rachel her x mark Hill (1 child)

SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED,                           
IN PRESENCE OF                 
JVW Vandenburgh   Bailey Miller & Co                                       
[L.S.] [L.S.]
[L.S.] [L.S.]
[L.S.] [L.S.]
[L.S.] [L.S.]                                                         

Registered at Intelligence Officer, the 23^d day of March 1866
JVW Vandenburgh
Asst Local - Superintendent.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.

[DUPLICATE] (x) [[means?]] mustered thus}
failed to report --}
JVW Vandenburgh -

Transcription Notes:
J V W Vandenburgh was a Capt. -not JMVandenburgh. Looked up on internet. Bureau of Refugee, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands Saul instead of saml Don't know word after [DUPLICATE].