Viewing page 212 of 248

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53 Wm. H his X mark Bailey
54 John his X mark Edmonston
55 Ephraim his X mark Bush 
56 Anthony his X mark Sheppard
57 Walker his X mark Johnson
58 Harris his X mark Carter
59 James his X mark Carter
60 Jno his X mark Robinson
61 Henry his X mark Washington
62 Larry his X mark Warring
63 Jacob his X mark Galewoods
64 Walter his X mark [[Garden? Gorden?]]
65 Alfred his X mark Butler
66 Willis his XX mark Johnson
67 Robt his X mark Johnson
68 George his X mark Carter
69 William his X mark Collins
70 Saml his x mark Ward
71 Henry his X mark Gibson
72 Henry his X mark Hilles
73 Thos his X mark Hamilton
74 Alvis his X mark Wake
75 Vincent his X mark Marshal
76 Henry his X mark Felton
77 Alvin his X mark Davis
78 John his X mark [[Devron?]]
79 Jas. his X mark Johnson
80 Edward his X mark Page
81 John his X mark Digg
82 Aaron his X mark Bullard
83 Henry his X mark Bush
84 Hamilton his X mark Jones
#169 Tasher his X mark Bark
170 Saml his X mark Fieldham
171 John his X mark Bullard
172 Stephen his X mark Brooks
173 Robt. his X mark Gooding (Boy) 
174 Richard his X mark Read
175 Pinckley his X mark Jeffries
176 Chas W. his X mark Hick
177 James his X mark Taylor 

137. William his X mark Higgins
138. Henry his X mark Smith
139  Ormstead his X mark Green 
140. William his X mark James 
141 Mrs Jas her X mark Garden 
142. S. his X mark Brown  
143. Mrs her X mark Brown  
144. Anderson his X mark White  
145. Frederick his X mark Ward  
146  Mrs Fanny her X mark Gaskill  
147  Mrs Julia her X mark Sawyer  
148  Geo H his X mark Shaw 
149  Isaac his X mark Johnson  
150. Henry his X mark Bowman  
151  Mrs. her X mark Bowman  
152. Joseph his X mark Spencer 
153. Mrs her X mark Spicer
154. William his X mark Douglas  
155. Nicholas his X mark Gray  
156  James H his X mark Jackson 
157  Jacob his X mark Harris  
158  S. his X mark [[Weber?]]
159. Thos his X mark Williams  
160. Archer his X mark Johnson
161 William his X mark Winfield
162 Martin his X mark [[Churry?]]
163. Oran his X mark Davis 
164. William his X mark Parker
165. Mrs Catherine her X mark Parker  
166. Miss Lucy her X mark Parker  
167. Frank his X mark Parker 
168 Sallie her X mark Parker
Benj his X mark Wise
Henry his X mark Evans
John his X mark Allen
Sylvester his X mark Forde
Samuel his X mark Braxton
George his X mark Smith
Manuel his X mark Cobs & boy
Saml. his X mark Black