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The Nineteenth Century Club.
New York.

Address Secretary, 
160 Bleecker Street.

March 16, 1903

My dear Mr. Pepper

If you have a few friends to whom you would like to have me send cards for the meeting on Tuesday evening the 24th, please send me their addresses.

You will notice the meeting will be at the National Arts Club.

Yours sincerely
John Lloyd Thomas, Esq.

[[check mark]] Cronau - Rudolf  2583 Bainbridge Ave
[[check mark]] Smith - H.I.
[[check mark]] Stirling - Mrs.
[[check mark]] Knight - Chas R.
[[check mark]] Saville - M.H.
[[strike through]] Putnam - T.W. [[/strike through]]
[[check mark]] Beutenmuller - Prof Will
[[strike through]] [[Drapuram?]] - Frank H. [[/strike through]]
[[strike through]] Hyde - B.T.B. [[/strike through]]
[[strike through]] Benham - I.W. [[/strike through]]
[[check mark]] Dr. F.E. Hyde
Miss Hyde
Dr. Boor
Prof. Farrand

MAR 20 1903

Transcription Notes:
bottom = list of names cross checked with those listed in letter to John Lloyd Thomas (March 20, 1903)