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Nov. 12th, 1903

Mr. Frank O Strowger,

My dear Mr. Strowger:-

Shortly after reaching the Museum I received a copy of your Velox Album, and I assure you I appreciate your kindness which prompted you to procure same for me.

This is just what I needed in the Museum to show the various results that can be obtained with papers of different surfaces, and I feel sure that its use will be beneficial to us both.

One of your New York agents called a few days ago, and he has kindly consented to help me in any way possible.  I have not been able to take up the subject of printing as yet, but hope to be able to do so in the near future.

Thanking you for your kindness, and hoping to see you should you run down to our City at any time, I beg to remain,

Very sincerely yours,


P. S.

Have just unpacked my photo trunk and will send you the film holder within a few days.