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Nov. 12th, 1903

Mr. Frank Sauerwen,

Pasadena, Cal.

My dear Mr. Sauerwen:-

Your kind letter of Sept. 29th written from the delightful pueblo of Taos reached us after many wanderings.

I have been in the East about two weeks now and I am wading through a mass of correspondence, while Mrs. Pepper is having her troubles putting the house to rights.

We can hardly express the pleasure that you afforded us during the short time that we were with you, and it is our earnest hope that we may, at no far distant day, be able to renew the acquaintance that was begun under such favorable circumstances last summer.

Mrs. Pepper has become an enthusiastic Westerner, she not only enjoyed every moment of the Western trip, but on her return to the East she finds that she is stronger than she has been for years.

We would have joined you and Mr. Douglass at Taos had such a thing been int he realms of the possible, but as our time was limited we had to content ourselves with a dash to the Puiye, a rush trip to Los Angeles, a day in Isleta with Lummis, a day in Albuquerque during the Fair, and then a journey without stops to the East.

We think of you often and wonder where you are, and what you are doing, and if it is convenient for you to drop us a line at any time, it would give us great pleasure to hear from you.

With kindest regards from both Mrs. Pepper and self, and