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Bell Telephone 2987-O Main     Cable Address,"Homo"Rochester
                      Anatomical Laboratory
                         Charles H. Ward,
Manufacturers and Importers of  [seal]    Preparateurs of
ANATOMICAL AND                         HUMAN SKELETONS
PHYSIOLOGICAL MODELS.          And Osteological Preparations

LABORATORY, 594 Lyell Ave. (City Line) ADDRESS, P.O. Box 349

                      CHARLES H. WARD, Manager.
                            Rochester, N.Y.,   May 16, 1904.        

Mr. George H. Pepper
Central Park 
New York, N.Y. 

Dear Sir:-
 I am pleased to inform you that, having recently obtained from the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, permission to make molds from their cast of the skull of Pithecanthropus erectus, I am now issuing facsimiles of this famous cranium. 

 While without question the most important discovery ever made as regards the ancestry of the human race, this remarkable transitional type is known,thus far,in America almost entirely from illustrations.

 For a number of years I have endeavored to procure a copy of the cranial cast made under the direction of Dr.Dubois, only to be assured by my European correspondents that it was not obtainable. 

   At last, - thirteen years after its disinterment, - I offer casts of the original skull, securely packed, together with an 8 page description, for $3.50. 

 As you are doubtless aware, with molds as the engravings, first impressions are the best. It is therefore, unnecessary to urge the advisability of an early order, for which find order-blank enclosed. 
Awaiting your reply, I remain 
Yours very truly, 
Charles H. Ward  

Transcription Notes:
Top of page to date was preprinted with a Seal just under the name that has Charles H Ward, Rochester, NY, USA around a what appears to be a monk holding something with a cross and goblet to the left of the monk