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May 16, 1904

Mr. John H. Cobbs,
Apatzingan Estado de Michoacam, Mexico.

Dear Sir:-

Your very interesting letter of the 29th ultimo has been received, and your recital of the finds that you have made near the Indian village of Coru, made me long to visit the field of your operations.

In the first place I want to thank you for so kindly bringing the results of your work to my notice, as well as for the generous invitation to visit you.

We have large collections of Mexican material in our Museum, but very little from the State of Michoacan. Shortly after receiving your letter, I went to the Metropolitan Museum to see whether they had placed your silver objects on exhibition. I had almost given up the hope of finding them, when they were discovered under the shadow of a case containing gold ornaments from North and South America. I had to shade the partition of the case in which they were resting, in order to make out even the outlines of the objects, but from what I could see of the specimens, they seem to be a very interesting find; the human bodies with their very elaborate head-dresses being of special interest. 

I had almost completed my plans for a trip to the South-west when your letter was received. I am now rather inclined to change my itinerary and endeavor to spend a few weeks in your part  

Transcription Notes:
#2 written in blue pencil top right corner