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Boston Mass. July 13, 1904.
COPY.       COPY.

Mr. George H. Pepper, 
c/o The American Museum of Natural History, 
77th Street and Eight Avenue, 
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the 7th received, followed by the water-color drawings, and in reply beg to quote you for printing one thousand copies of the three figures arranged on one plate as your dummy, on paper 6 1/2 by 9 1/2 - One Hundred and Sixty-five Dollars ($165.). If there were several illustrations to be done at the same time it would of course by more economical. 
We return the drawings under separate cover by express, and trusting to be favored with your order, we remain,

Very Truly yours, 
The Heliotype Co.,

Dear Ms Hyde: Here is a copy of the Heliotype Co's letter to Mr Pepper in regard to the Turquoise plate.