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August 25, 1904.

F. W. H. continued.

By the middle of this coming Winter I hope to have secured more subscriptions for the Publishing Fund. $200 in addition to the present $200 and some $300 in addition to that, but I have learned to not count too much on intended results. 
You see in the above I have more rehearsed the situation than made a decision. You can appreciate that it is our desire to bring before the Council actual results accomplished in pushing the Anthropologist so that if our indebtedness is not paid up this year I have every reason to believe we can do it easily in the succeeding year. 
To bring up another matter, did Mr. Pepper speak to you before going West about publishing the colored plates an article written by him to illustrate the Frog Cult as shown by the material found by him in Pueblo Bonito. He showed me an estimate and letter written from him from some Boston firm to get an idea what the cost would be and I thin [[think]] it was by the colored type process, but I have quite forgotten the figures.
I have a friend whom I know I can interest in this article and feel sure that he will be glad to pay for expense of publishing it. 
Would it be best to have it appear as a supplementary  pamphlet, similar to the one which you have just gotten out.?
I really feel as if I were beginning to get in harness. 

Very sincerely yours,