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Mr. G. H. P.        -2- 

article missing, being the contributions to Knowledge, of the Smithsonian, in regard to the mounds and works in Ohio. I really feel very proud of having these articles, as it is every one that has been published on the subject. 
We are having every night a struggle, Mr. Lentz and myself, with the pottery up at the house, but it is now getting in fairly good shape, and I have found it very educating to have handled and mended it. I am extremely pleased with Lentz, and find him a very hard and conscientious worker. 
Do take time to drop us a line, if not writing as a letter, to let us know you are still on earth. 
With very best wishes, and trusting that you are well and only lazy, and that nothing serious has happened to you, I remain, 

Very truly yours, 