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If I had not been  compelled to dictate to a lady stenographer, this part of the episode would probably have been nearly obscene. 

MR. G. H. P.      -6- 

never seen B. T. B. quite so unlike himself as he was Friday. He seemed very blue and extremely nervous, but finally I managed to cheer him up some, by getting him away from business, and as he left that afternoon for a week or ten days in the Adirondacks, I am sure that when I next see him he will be in better shape. 
Mr. Lentz is getting along very nicely, and I hope will be finished in a week or ten days. He is an extremely nice fellow, and has helped me a wonderful lot. 
Covert I know has obtained some nice articles from me, especially from the northwest, and I think you will find the young Museum in good shape on your return. 
With the very best wishes and hoping you will find time to use that pocket typewriter in the near future, even if only for a few moments, believe me as ever, 
Sincerely your friend, 