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#53 Sep, 29, 1904. My dear George C:- I had about decided that the three 2/ H's the "heye- Heller" combination had gone off on a "Pleasure exertion" when your two letters arrived. I had been watching the packing of the pottery collection with one eye and the mails with the other,wishing that you were here to see the material or that your paper representative would arrive. The cembi letter was a real success. Let there be more of them as they both "Gladden the eye and refresh the soul." Many thanks for that check. It will come in handy when I come to settle up with Mr. Hubbell. I have been detained here longer than I had expected to be and the words in your letter concerning the fact that it would be better to stay in one place and finish the work in good shape rather than endeavor to do all that was planned and have nothing completed, hit me in just the right place. You will see by my letter to Mr. H. that I have had the greatest kind of luck with the interpreters and will have a series of notes that will be wonderful help in judging blankets to say nothing of the value of such definite information in the proposed textile book. Mrs. Pepper is