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George G. Heye.

                        52 Broadway,
                          New York.

                             November 9, 1904.

Mr. George H. Pepper,
    C/o Mr. John H. Cobbs,
       Apatzingan, State of Michcacan,

My dear George:
         I have not written you before, as I was waiting to find out whether to write to Mexico or Albuquerque, and when your letter arrived day before yesterday, it was therefore doubly welcome.
          First of all, let me thank you for the water bottle. It is a very unique specimen, and it is certainly very wonderful in its decorations. I have shown it to B. T. B., who also is most enthusiastic about it. You certainly got a prize at a very nominal price. It came through in splendid condition. I have not cleaned it up yet, but will do so soon, taking care,