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G. H. P.                -2-

reservations up in the neighborhood of Buffalo. As you may know, he is one of the Seneca chiefs, and we went up principally to attend the death feast of Mrs. Converse. I learned more about real Indians in those few days than it is possible to do reading from books for many months. I am sure you would be surprised to know how uncivilized they are there, that is, the Pagan element. They continue all of their old customs, and through Mr. Keppler's kind assistance, I was enabled to see four of their ceremonies. I was also very fortunate in being able to obtain some beautiful specimens, including some old masks, ten or fifteen old broaches, some of their old cooking utensils made of wood, some of their old bead work, and last, but far from least, three strings of their old wampum. Altogether it was a most enjoyable trip and vacation for me.