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In Camp near Apatzingan, Mexico.
November 25, 1904.

My dear George G :-

We have settled down somewhat and are hard at work on one of the mounds. By using quinine and brandy in liberal quantities we have been able to stave off the fever thus far and are in high spirits.

I intended to write yesterday but the mosquitoes and gnats do such a rushing business that it is almost impossible to sit still for many minutes in succession. It is the same on the Mound. There we have two kinds of gnats, mosquitoes, garrapatoes( a wood tick ), and several little ticks to keep us busy. There are over sixty bites on my left hand and about forty on my forehead. Both parts burn as though they were afire. The bugs certainly make one realize that one is in the land of the living.

When I wrote you from Albuquerque I told you that I would send you an account of expenses to date. It would take too long to tabulate the various items and, as we are endeavoring to make every minute count while we are here I will merely give you a rough statement of receipts and the present conditions of my finances. 

You gave me a check for $500.00 when I started for the West. Later you sent check for $350.00 to pay for collection of material at Hubbells and for any extras that might be picked up. Your final check, for the Mexican collection, was for $300.00, making in all $1150.00 that you have placed at my disposal. Of this some has been devoted to small objects and personal expenses. This will of course be returned as soon as