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G.H.P. -3-
collection stand among the first.
I have been rather lucky in running across an old lady up here on the west side, whose grandfather had collected a few things from the Indians. She placed no value on them, and was glad to let me have them for a $10. bill. The collection consists entirely of bead work and old quill work, there being about fifteen pieces in all, including the finest beaded baby carrier I have ever seen, that is, for an old one. That, I rather think, is from the Northern Apache or the Southern Sioux, but there is a belt and a pouch, which is done with old fashioned beads on red flannel, and looks very much like either Winabago or Iroquois. Of course the articles are in a very bad state [strikethrough] to compare [/strikethrough] of repair, but, never the less, I think they are very good examples.
B.T.B. and myself were up at