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the rest. It is so damp in our hut that our clothes are getting moldy and the covers of the books that we have with us are warping. I do hope that the sun will come out to-morrow so that things can dry up a bit.
         We have worked one mound and have started on a second. The weather has held us back on the work and we have not accomplished as much as we had hoped to. We have, however about fifteen vessels and a number of smaller objects which will make a good showing. To-day we found a human head in clay, a pipe, and a large olla. The rain held us back or we would be much deeper in the mound.
         We are planning to leave here in time to reach New York on the 23rd. or 24th. If the sun will only come out I think we ought to be able to get together a good lot of material by the 8th. of the month which will allow us to stop a day at Lake Patzcuaro where there are some ruins that I want to see, to say nothing of the Indians who are still using the throwing stick.
         I hope that you are in good health and that you have not been bothered too much with that Association work. A letter from Mr. Heye stated that you were about to take it up with Saville.
         Give my kindest regards to all friends and believe me as ever, Warmly and sincerely yours,
                  Geo. H. Pepper