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Hd. Qrs., District of Mississippi
Jackson, Miss., June 22, 1865.
Yours of yesterday received. I had telegraphed you on the subject yesterday and the day before. The only details requested by you during the past two weeks of which I know anything were those of Col. Donaldson and Capt Matthews. The latter is not to be detailed, as I notified you by telegraph, because his Colonel objects. The occasion of delay in the case of the former was that the General refused to make any more details from 64th - there being already fifteen officers detailed from it, as reported by Lt. Col. Wilson Ins. Gen. The General consented to permit the detail to be made - but too late, Thomas's great slice being taken from the District. I have made detail for Lieut Clark, and ordered him to report to you for assignment - which I shall continue to do in all