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from their places threaten to turn off the Women and Children, who will become a burden to the Community. 

The two evils against which the officer will have to contend are, cruelty on the part of the Employer and shirking on the part of the Negroes. Every planter with whom I have talked premised his Statement with the assertion that "a Nigger won't work without whipping". I know that this is not true of the Negroes, as a body heretofore. A fair trial should be made of free labor by preventing a resort to the lash. It is true that there will be a large number of Negroes, who will shirk labor, and where they persistently refuse compliance with their contracts, I would respectfully suggest that such turbulent Negroes be placed upon public works. Such as rebuilding the Levees, and Rail-Roads of the State, where they can be compelled to labor, and where their labor will be of benefit to the Community at large. 

It will be difficult for employers to pay their laborers quarterly, as required by present orders. Money can only be realized yearly on a Cotton Coop, because to make such a Coop, requires an entire Year's work in planting, picking, ginning, and lending to market

The lieu upon the Crop secures the laborer his pay at the end of the Year, for which he an afford to wait, as all the necessaries of life are furnished by the planter, who could not pay quarterly except at a great Sacrifice. 

The present orders recommend that the Freedmen remain with their former Masters so long as they are kindly treated [[JC??]]. This as a temporary policy is the best that could be adopted, but I very much doubt its propriety as a permanent policy. It will tend to rebuild the fallow fortunes of the Slaveholders, and re-establish the old system of Class-Legislation, thus throwing the political power of the country back into the hands of this class who love slavery and hate freedom and republican government. It would in my opinion be much wiser to diffuse this free labor amongst the laboring people of the Country, who can sympathize with the laborer and treat him with Humanity. 

I would suggest that great can be taken in the selection