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if the matter was intrusted to the cupidity of mere speculators and earnestly hope the calamity will not be visited upon us by having the gins placed in the hands of any individual as a Monopoly and speculation who would rob us of the fruits of our hard years work.

With these suggestions we humbly leave the matter with you ever praying and believing that whatever your decision may be you will keep in view our interest, with that of the Government under whose protection and encouragement we will struggle on in our efforts to make an honest living - ever grateful for the favors thus bestowed.

[[2 columns]]
[[1st (left) column]]
Thomas Bland
John A. Rankin
Albert Thompson
Wm Banyer
Simon [[Gaitor?]] X
Nelson Turner X
Jefferson Watson X
Warren Wath X
G.W. Bard
J.W. Bowam
Billy Hick X
Chas Iyne X
Albert Gray X
Parker Balard X
BT Montgomery
Wm Canagan X
Grandison Bray X

[[2nd (right) column]]
Phil Carter X
Shepherd Carter X
Philip Goritor 
Willis Gaitor X
Irvine Ward X
Carter Watts X
Thos Broadwater X
Wm Weaver X
S.A. Glee
John. Lewis X
J. Batton
Barny B. Lewis X
Jno Thomas X
Ralph Jackson X
Alfred Green X
Alozo Durdon X
John Waddison X