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when she was informed that it was seized by J.F. Richardson Esq Agt of the U.S. Treasury Department at this place as "Abandoned Property;" and her tenant who was a Loyal citizen of the United States, to pay her rent into the Department, which was done.-

That your petitioner never abandoned or vacated her said property, and never contemplated such an idea.

That by the Laws of the State of Mississippi the said house is her real and Personal Property, and has been for several years back.

The premises considered, she respectfully prays for prompt and full relief by the restoration of her property, which never was "Abandoned," nor does it come under that heading.

Your petitioner encloses herewith, copies of her title to said property as taken from the record books in this county and of her Amnesty Oath

And will ever pray &c
Signed J. Mezeix

State of Mississippi}
Adams County} Personally appeared before the undersigned Judge of the Probate Court of Adams County, the above named Justine Benoist Mezeix who being first duly sworn, deposed and said that the statements [[cross-out]] allegations in the foregoing petition contained are true in all and every particular
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 23rd   day of August 1865
R Bullock

Transcription Notes:
surname Mezeix