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is all she has in the world and her only means of support and she therefore respectfully prays that this her petition may be early considered and her said property restored to her, and as in duty bound would ever pray.
Mary McConnell
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of August AD, 1865, as under to my had and seal of office.
Richard A. Inge
Clerk of Probate Court of Adams Co, Miss.

The State of Mississippi}
Adams County}
Be it remembered that Samuel A Patterson and Miss Martha Patterson personally appeared before R.A. Inge Clerk of the Probate Court in and for said County and after having been first duly sworn deposed that Mrs Julia McConnell was their material Aunt and Mary McConnell their Cousin and they have been intimately associated with them from their early infancy and for more than twenty years have composed a part of the same family and from their intimate association together and their  personal knowledge they depose that the matters set forth in the foregoing petition are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Saml. Patterson
Martha Patterson
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31 day of August A.D. 1865, under my hand and seal of office.
Rich A Inge
