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Natchez, Mi∫s Sept. 7th, 1865

To Col Thomas,
Asst Commissioner Freedman's Bureau,
The petition of Sarah C. Mellen respectfully showeth that a certain house and lot her property, to-wit, the two-story brick house and lot situate in the city of Natchez on Pearl between Main and Franklin streets, is, she is informed, upon the records of the Freedman's Bureau marked as the property of William P. Mellen. 

Your petitioner further showeth that she is informed that it is recorded as having been seized by Capt. Jno. Fields of the Q.M. Dept. U.S.A. Oct 27th 1863, & that the records do not show for what cause it was seized.

Your petitioner further showeth that the above described property was her own and not the property of her late husband Wm. P. Mellen. A certified copy of the marriage contract made between her and the said Wm. P. Mellen is respectfully submitted, from which it will appear that all property possessed by either of the said parties at the time of the contract or subsequently to be acquired by either of them, became hers, and was not to be liable in any manner for the