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The State of Mississippi}
Adams County}

Personally appeared before Chas. F Merrick Justice of the Peace in and for said county, Albert Mellen and made oath that a certain two story bring house on Pearl between Main & Franklin Streets in the city of Natchez owned by Mrs. Sarah C. Mellen was never abandoned by the said women that the date of the occupancy of Natchez by the Federal Troops, to-wit, on the 13th day of July the said premises were under lease to Mrs. Susan Knott, that shortly thereafter Mrs. Knott vacated said premises and went beyond the Federal Lines- That he, as Agent of said Mrs. Mellen immediately endeavoured to lease the said premises to other parties- that he offered to lease the said premises to a Quarter Master of the United States Army named Constable, as he remembers- that he had placed the keys in the hand of said Quarter Master, when the said Master Master was removed from this Post- That immediately thereafter the said premises were taken possesion of by the military authorities and were from some time used for recruiting purposes.

Sworn to & subscribed before me this Septemeber 7th 1865. 
C.F. Merrick, JP {seal}

Albert Mellen