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25 Boxes Glass 8x10
20 Paint Brushes
5 Lbs. Prussian Blue
100 Lbs Red Lead
5 Lbs Saddler's Thread
100 Sheets Sand Paper
100 Lbs Shoes Horse
300 Lbs Shoes Mule
200 Tire Bolts 
50 Trees - Double
100 Trees - Single
50 Papers Tacks
3 GrossScrews Assorted
2 Galls Varnish Copal.
20 Whitewash Brushes
100 Lbs White Lead
30 Wagon Bolsters
60 Wagon Hounds
200 Wagon Felloes
30 Wagon Tongues
100 Lbs Wagon Grease
5,000 Lbs Coal
165 Window Sash for glass 8. x 10.

R. S. Donaldson                    
Lt Col. 64" U.S.C.I.                       
and Actg Asst. Commissioner F. B.
No. Dist of Miss.

J. S. McHarg
1" Lieut 47" U.S.C.I.
A. A. Q. M. Freedmen's Bureau
Nor Dist of Miss.