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To Colonel Samuel Thomas, Commissioner &c of Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.

The amended and additional Application of Maria L. Magruder, most respectfully, represents;
That her counsel and attorneys have been advised and believe that Mrs Louisa Johnson, widow of the late Benjamin Johnson, has applied and perhaps is now applying for an order to have the Residence of the applicant Mrs. M.L. Magruder, turned over and placed in the possession of her, Mrs Johnson; through your Bureau.
The applicant Mrs Magruder, by counsel would earnestly represent, that Mrs Johnson, or no other person whomsoever, except the applicant, has the right to apply for and obtain such order.
By Exhibit "A", to the original application of Mrs Magruder, you will perceive that she is the legal owner of said Property And the applicant now begs to state that the only ground upon which Mrs Johnson can claim such order, or that a deed of Trust (a copy whereof is herewith filed, marked exhibit "I") was executed by Mrs Magruder and her husband, in favor of the late Benjamin Johnson upon said property.
But the applicant would remark that such deed of Trust conveyed no right to possession until it was duly foreclosed, and the property sold thereunder; Especial reference being here to a letter from James W. Davis, Esq, who has examined this point fully.
Further, the applicant respectfully urges upon your consideration, the fact that a Bill in Chancery will be filed, between Mrs Magruder and Mrs Johnson and others, in which the Courts of the County are to determine all matters at force between Mrs Johnson and Mrs Magruder, and that that Bill shows conclusively that the deed of