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Macon, Mississippi, Oct. 6th 1865.

To Col. Saml. Thomas, Assistant Comr. Freedman's Bureau, for the State of Mississippi.

We the undersigned, Mayor, Judicial Officers and magistrates, (or Justices of the Peace,) of the County of Nuxobee & State of Mississippi, do hereby, respectfully, tender this an acceptance and do accept, the proposition & terms, contained in your order dated, the 20th of September A.D. 1865 and the Proclamation of His Excellency, William L. Sharkey, Provisional Governor, of the State of Mississippi; dated 23rd September A.D. 1865, proposing "the transfer to the civil authorities of said state, the right to try all cases in which the rights of freedmen are involved, either for injuries done to their persons, or property; and "will take for our mode of procedure the Laws in force in the said State of Mississippi, at the date of said order, except so far as those Laws make a distinction, on account of color; and allow the negroes the same rights & privileges as are accorded to white men, before our respective Courts.
All of which is respectfully tendered & submitted.

W. Clarks J. P.
John A McGowen Cnsatble
A. M. Dowling Justice of Peace
A Green Justice of Peace
A J Shields County Surveyor
J H Bolton Const
John G Gilmore
Chris Grossman Ranger
J. A. Moore Assessor
William Easton Canstable
Thos M Sargent M B Police

Jas B McLelland Probate Judge
William H Smith Justice of the Peace
W  D Connor Policeman
Wm. Wilder Constable
W. T. Trotman Justice of the Peace
Charles Betts. Clerk Probate Court Noxubee County Mississippi
T. T. Freeman Constable
H. C. Ferris, Justice of the Peace.
R. E. V. Yates Clerk Circuit & Chancey Ct
Jas R Moore J P
T A Rupell Constable
John W Pratt J P
J K Dixon J. P.
Jno. H. Stovall M. B. Police

Transcription Notes:
Please review the names at the bottom of the page. misspellings left as written Edited: some name corrections, the way they wrote 'ss' looks a lot like 'ps' but it is not like the name Chris Grossman is not Gropman, etc.