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Bahama pintails & lesser Blackheads.] Flamingoes & spoonbills occur & many black Ibises 1. [However I flushed a short [[card]] owl & got that. Only one seen.] Also [saw a marsh hawk 1 twice, but not within range.] Both these species are new to the island.

Down at Trujin 43 miles south of Barahona is a large salt lagoon, which I heard was a great resort of birds, but there were not many when we were there in March. [I had the misfortune to kill 3 [[female symbol]] flamingoes at one shot, I did not want but one, however I skinned them all & they "kept" very well.] Also saw a flock of spoon bills, but always out of range. Both species are said to breed there at south end of lagoon.] It was a bushy arid region - only drinkable water & that salty, came from one cave, & we bathed in another cave where the water was still saltier (?) Only saw one night jar the whole trip & heard none. Did not get to Beata Id. as it was too late to go there in boat. Think November wd. be best for Beata.

Am going next week to San Francisco Macoris in the Eastern Cibao, near foot of northern range. It is about 45 miles from here by R.R. & I will take mules from there to the Quita Espuela, the highest mt. in the northern range of mts. It is 3,500 ft. about - that district is said to be the best place to find Don Juans (Nyctibius). So let us hope it may pan out something good. Any how the top of the mountain is sure to have gook plants & nobody has ever been there. The results of Barahona [[strikethrough]] The things [[/strikethrough]] 4 cases wont get shipped for about 2 weeks, so it will be some time before they can arrive in Washington. Expect to stay down until June. Hoping you are well.  Yours very Truly
W.L. Abbott

Transcription Notes:
confirmed Quita Espuela is a preserve in Dominican Republic; Cibao is a region in the Dominican Republic