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Port au Prince - Hayti.          carded
May 19th 1920
Dear Doctor Richmond

We are book here & have 4 cases ready for shipment tomorrow - they wont get off for several days however - 3 cases botanical specimens & one case birds - I have more birds including Gonave collection here, not ready for shipment. This box which is going up this time has no plants in it only birds & skeletons it is #4. 
[It contains the Great Ornithological discovery of the trip - a new weaver bird - This explains Barteli's gregarious oriole - which he did not see. Keep discovery quiet until you get specimens & get it described if new - nests also sent. Too early for eggs. The bird lives in colonies on thorn trees in Plain of the Cul de Sac - Saw only one large colony - but several old ones. The ♂ is 175 mm. long - ♀ 155 - ♂ head black, nape brown greenish mixed with black in wings & shoulders yellow down, yellow honecth[[?]] mixed[[?]] with reddish (maroonish sides - I nis[[?]] vermillion]  [On one occasion [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] I saw a new thrush at 4000 ft - no gun -  size of robin, black head - yellow bill - deep brown sides, white belly ascending to a pink on breast. Returned 3 times to some place with a gun - but saw no trace of stranger - Evidently this southern peninsula of Hayti to San Dom. has some green new stuff] - [Heard lots of Nyctibius [[?]] but saw none.].
We remain until last of June when I will bring up rest of birds - Leonard has worked my hard - & has a big collection of

Transcription Notes:
Francesco Bartelli ?? --can't figure out what part of the bird he is describing as yellow, or the word after that - can't figure out the two words before vermillion --also not sure is genus Nyctibius is correct because it looks more like Ncytirius but can't find that anywhere except some french book on google books