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400 South 15th St. Philadelphia
July 4th 19.
Dear Richmond
The permit for guns etc came all right. Thanks for getting it for me. The Steamer is expected to sail Wednesday night.(July 9th) - Hope those boxes have turned up O.K.  If they arrive before my departure drop me a line what you think of the contents.  I am going to New York early Tuesday, but anything addressed to me

Passenger S.S. Iroquois
Care Clyde Santo Domingo Line
Pier 34
Brooklyn N.Y.
Also add: Please forward to Sanchez S.D. if steamer has sailed.

will reach me up to time of sailing.

we are surely getting it hot quite like S.D. in summer, but minus the sea breeze & cool nights of the West Indies.

Your suggestions re nightjars are most interesting. Can a cane gun be got? or are things still too abnormal?

Yours very truly
W. L. Abbott
P.S. My address will be Sanchez S.D.