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Yaching, darling,
Heard from you last night thru the phone, glad to learn that you are keeping find. This morning I received your letter and your Papa- thank you.
I tell your Papa to organize a Co. for $50,000- to import articles to Hankow. If this materize, I think can double the capital by profit within two months.
As regards to your Papa's idea to import articles to Hankow, I suggest him to wait - I will inform him to ship as soon as I get orders in hand. Because without orders, will be very troublesome to find a buyer and besides, you don't know what the other firms are buying all the time, may be they order a big quantity of goods same kind as you, than the market will be floated with over-supplied. And that means you have to wait a long time before you can get rid of your stock. ?
You have a good chance to get

Transcription Notes:
This is Ya-Ching, but here spelled Yaching. Last name is Lee.