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c/o Wing On Co., Ltd.
146 Bishopsgate
London E.C.2.

Dear Yaching,

I was so shock to hear from friends that you had fallen out from the plane accidentally, but glad to learn that you are not hurt and landed safely on water and finally picked up by a navy plane. You have made me worry so much over you when I heard that. I realize how dangerous it is to be up in the air doing the up side down flying as I was up myself once and I was frigh[[strikethrough]]g[[/strikethrough]]ten to death. I should say you were certainly steady enough to pull the rip cord of the parachute - I am sure others wouldn't know what to do or may be fainted if

Transcription Notes:
She was up with an instructor in an open cockpit plane when the instructor started a barrel roll and she slipped out, but was able to pull the ripcord on her parachute, landing in the San Francisco Bay.